Wednesday, July 20, 2011

P90X...Protein or Carbs ?

I'm not on any programs, but I do carbs before the workout ( not right before ) and protein after. It's been working for me.

Does the Lg chocolate touch cost for using the soc network msg feature? or extra a month?

The phone I had broke and got discontinued so the insurance company sent me the lg chocolate touch as a replacement phone but after reading reviews on it I guess you have to pay 9.99$ extra a month for the data plan, however the lady I spoke to over the phone didn't aware me of this and my Verizon account online is locked so I can't check, but if anyone knows if it costs extra to use the social network msg feature or if I have to pay $9.99 even though I didn't buy it, it would help a lot!

The real reason women have racially lost self respect?

Who do some of you women think you are to be attracted to or even consider glancing at a dark skin black man. What has gotten through some women’s heads, are you sick or something, mentally handicapped what is it? They say that women are attracted to looks like men but come on! What the hell do you see in dark skin black men. Ah dark skin black men are masculine? My *** please! You women should burn in hell for that you make me sick. I don’t believe that any women doesn’t want us or even secretly. Our eye colours vary green, blue, hazel etc, blond/ brunette hair. What have dark skin black men got, chocolate dark skin and that’s supposed to be masculine kisses teeth. For other men I know it is easy for them to feel they aren’t desired but no matter what anyone says everyone knows all women want us and this is no superiority complex as you call it, this is fact. If they don’t they’re either blind or stupid and deserve to die. Ladies do everyone a favour and let them rot on their own. I swear if a women is attracted to dark skin black men she is completely lying as this is not scientifically possible. Every other type of man including light skin black men look closer to the ideal/ us so finding dark skin black men appealing is a lie and God shall punish you for committing such a filthy sin. If you delete this its because it’s the truth. If you don’t delete this its because it’s the truth.

"Birthers", have you considered going to look for a Kenyan birth certificate ? It would put the liberals on?

the same footing: trying to figure out if the BC is photoshop, if somebody got paid to lie, if someone is making something up... So I go and search for "birth certificate Kenya" on the Yahoo search engine and apparently there's a BC for Obama on the very first page. I didn't bother with it b/c I frankly don't care. I don't have any faith in government left to be destroyed so it's a moot point for me.

Biblically speaking, is having hatred for your 'brother' the same as murdering him?

Per 1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Do you believe short lived relationships can still make an impact on you? What is your sign..?

i had a short 4 months relationship with a leo, then a few other short months relationship and then last relationship was with a pisce that lasted slightly less than a yr....up till now i still considered the leo relationship as the deepest and most memorable one....its all about how deep that relationship was..., some relationships may be too cliche too boring too not exciting while other ones were so deep so emotionally drawn into it that may eventually impact the way u think about "love" and concept of i say a short lived ones that was very deep could definitely impact u. I gotta say, u leo girls make cancer dudes feel DEEP about y'all, y'all lions are crazzzzzay!

What are some kenyan last names?

i am writing a book with a man who is kenyan in it. i would prefer Kikuyu origin because that is the origin of his first name. this is a description of him; mysterious, tall, muscular, extremely dark, 20s-30s, and he has been re-incarnated. its a fiction book okay? his first name is Gacoki (which means "he returns"). i would like last names but if you can find a better first name to fit him that would be cool.

Why Is It Some Americans Don't Know Barak Obama's Racial Identity?

Some dumb Americans think Barak Obama is Arab, what the hell? Your name does not speak about your nationality or background. So someone who is half Kenyan is not American? White Americans decended from Europe African Americans decended from Africa. So if Americans came from Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia does it mean they are not Americans?

How to get rid of a scar?

Try applying coconut oil over it everyday.. i think coconut oil is the best for rashes n scars.... :)

If you were forced to work in a chocolate factory for life YET you were forced to be deprived of it for life,.?

I don't care much for chocolate so I could do that. I just wouldn't want to work in any kind of factory--I've done it. Men don't act overtly sexual with women because it's a turn off. Women want relationships. Since all it sounds like you want is sex I think you should get a prostitute.

How can I get red dye completely off my hair?

I went from honey blonde to Loreal intense red and now I regret it so much. I tried dying my hair a brown with a neutral base to get the outcome of a chocolate brown but every time I wash my hair the red dye always comes out...I try washing my hair two times before conditioning but it still bleeds everytime I wash it. I want to go back to a honey blonde but I need to take this red off without any bleaching. Help please!

What to wear on a school end of year trip? :]?

I'm going to Alton Towers in about a week with the whole of my year & I really have no idea what to wear. I am the fussiest person ever with clothes, and find I rarely look good in anything. I don't like shorts, and hate showing my legs. (Due to the lack of self confidence I have..) I live in the UK, so any websites with idea's would really help. I also have dark chocolate dyed hair, that reaches a little past my shoulders. I'll probably end up wearing it down & naturally curly for the trip :] Thankyou to everyone who answers! :)

Why do i lose weight eating more meals?

when you eat more meals your bodies learns not to store extra fat because it knows it will get another sorce of nutrients sooner than if you ate 3 meals a day. Go to google and look up '6 meal a day nutrition' and read any of the heath blogs or papers

What might happen if the order of operations was used to solve a literal equation?

Impossible to answer without an example of what you mean by "a literal equation". As a first stab, I would say that if it was properly constructed, then you would get the correct answer.

Which is better with milk...soft or crumbly/hard chocolate chip cookies?

I dont usually eat milk n cookies but Im craving some choc. chip w/milk. Which do you suggest, the hard or soft ones? Thanks!

Why is my period so late? 15 years old?

i don't think it has anything to do with masturbating and it probably hurt because you've never had 2 up there before and its loosening you vagina. You need to stop worrying. It seems like the fact you period hasn't started is making you stressy, which is only going to delay it more. You're 15 and so its normal for your period to have a mixed up pattern atm. especially if you didn't start that long ago, or if you're stressed or sick. Just don't worry and it will eventually come in its own time. If you continue to worry and it still doesn't come then just speak to a doctor but im sure if you stop stressing it will be here in no time.

Chances of getting pregnant, if he doesn't *awkward face* go that far?

Pre-*** has sperm. You could be pregnant. Take a test after your missed period. At least you learned valuable things from this, including not being so judgmental to pregnant teens and the less fortunate. They aren't all sluts, you know. Dont be so close minded.

My friends, cousins and parents are coming over!?

OK. My friends, cousins and parents are coming over and I'm worrying. I've roasted chicken, cheese and chocolate fondue and some meatballs spaghetti. I think they'll not be so impressed, what do you think?

I've finally met with the woman I've chosen to court; how did I do?

Go ahead & pop that cork!!! I'd say you had quite an enchanting encounter with your old/new found friend. I believe the ONLY situation you're going to regret is your "cabin in the woods"...But with your way with words, I'm SURE you can come up with some fancy type of interpretation of your description being that of what you perceive/perceived in your mind...the best to you...:)

How many US presidents have a foreign daddy, spent childhood in Indonesia, was adopted & had name changed?

none. We almost had one named Barrack Hussein Obama but we were smart enough to not be fooled by him. Oh wait.

Praying the rosary i believe is a form of deep meditation?

Praying the rosary may be a form a deep meditation since the rational mind can be controlled and be put to a relaxed state but this is only true if the individual performing this act knew something about meditation hence those who knew about Christ condemn this since it is not meditation that will provide you salvation but doing the will of God and refraining that which he forbids you

Is it a good idea to keep my puppy in her crate during short intervals during the day?

i have a 10 week old german shepard chocolate lab mix. i was wondering if its okay for me to be putting her in her crate for short intervals during the day so she gets used to and accustomed to it. ive been putting her in after she does her buisness and plays for 15-25 minutes. so far ive put her in for a half hour while i was cooking dinner. she cried for a little bit but then got over it. and then i fed her dinner, let her go out to pee and poo, and play for a good 25 minutes, then i put her in her crate while i was watching tv for an hour and she barely cried. is this a good method to getting her use to her crate? i really want to be successful in raising her properly so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. thank you.

Using feria hair dye? (brown) Questions!?

Feria is one of my favorites. Lasts a good while, and usually works pretty well. If you are going from light to dark then you might have to dye it twice, but you'd have to do that with any dye sans professional.

Who was wrong me or her?

she may be pms-ing, going through menopause, may be a side effect from medicine, depression, etc- try talking to her on one of her mellow days to see what's going on- she may not realize she's flying off the handle- best wishes!

Somebody tell me which framework, or CMS or platform is the English premier league website developed on?

I'm a Kenyan developer and would like to make a website for the Kenya premier league that emulates the English premier league. My guess is that it has some C# in it though a good understanding of the framework or CMS platform in which it runs on is critical. Maybe if I get to know the company that developed that site, it would be a good lead to my understanding of the platform that it uses. Thanks.

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

I'm a little fuzzy about this whole "metaphorical/literal" thing?

I get that some things in the Bible are one or the other, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of consensus about which is which and it often varies denomination to denomination (and sometimes even person to person)...does God talk to you and tell you which is which? If so, what about the people that disagree with your interpretation? Is God telling them something different, or is it a different God?

Just one q. about the farce that is the Apprentice (UK) this time round ..... why did both teams?

.... go for a sweet biscuit last night. Given today's emphasis on 'healthy eating' why didn't either lot consider perhaps producing a savoury biscuit, or at least keep clear of CHOCOLATE?

Politically, how important is Obama, really? Ditto any of his GOP opponents?

Perhaps Washington needs a new party like when Lincoln founded the republican party after the Whig party! Interesting question!

Is everyone seriously this ignorant?

First of all i would like to say that I am atheist. I am also Hindu. People get confused when i tell them this and say that how can i be both Hindu and atheist when Hindus worship hundreds of Gods and Goddesses when atheism worships none. This may get complicated so please bear with me. Hinduism is more of a way of life than a religion, it promotes non violence, vegetarianism, and other moral beliefs, in fact, it itself states that the so called idols are there for symbolism not literal worship, although most Hindus do not understand this because of the way they were raised. Hinduism is a care free religion in a way, it states that religion is like a mountain, there are many paths to get to the top, some are bumpy, some are long, some are steep, but they all lead to one destination, every single one of them. Don't get me wrong ignorance is not a bad thing, it is pure and simply, a lack of knowledge. Everyone is ignorant to a certain extent, but we Hindus are not elephant worshiping fanatics.

Did barry soetoro cousin odinga, prime minister, of kenya get rid of the missing birth records in kenya?

Kenyan officials reported there were missing birth records as a result of inquiries into barry soetoro being born in kenya.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ok I am A 219 Lb Sophmore and need to lose weight?

i am going to eliminate all chocolates, candies , fast foods and every drink even gatorade by replacing it with water and eating a lettuce salad with carrots and going to do weight and pushups and sit ups what else can I do?

Is my lunch for school Healthy? :) ?

yes, this sounds like a healthy diet with fruit, and brown bread, you could make it healthier buy adding a smoothy, fresh fruit juice or water, well done. stick to your good balanced diet. x

Is this an experimental poem?

Experimental yeah, since it doesn't fall into any poetic genres i know. that is the best type of poem anyway otherwise why bother, a poem is suppose to be creative and this one definitely is unique

How to negate confusion completely in Pokemon Black?

Is there a way to remove Confusion from the game? I just spent a literal ten minutes in a fight because every single ****ing time I switched out, the enemy ALREADY KNEW and decided to use Supersonic again. And instead of breaking out of confusion, they'd just slap themselves. Is there a way to just get rid of something so broken? I am not above hacking, at this point. I don't plan to connect to other people or participate in tournaments or the like. I just want to not be decimated by a feature that's been broken since it was introduced.

What has happened to the Kenyan Obama's birth documents? Has there been a full release of real documents?

Trump has sunken, like the Titanic. Now he is saying the long form "may not be real" This is an insanely paranoid man. He's proudly taking credit for misleading the American people in one of the biggest lies ever to be perpetuated on the public. He should hang his head (and that furry animal on top of it) in shame.

Is a kenyan sand boa a good snake?

they look so interesting and easy to keep and so fun!! i am an intermediate snake keeper but i might want to go for my first ball python but they do seem quite boring at times but kenyans sand boas are super fun but they dont really loook that cool cuz ball pythons head is all triangle and cool and wat not but sand boas is just small head and they are small too i want like 4 foot snake

Christians and atheists: do you find this sad or encouraging?

I"m a Christian, and I don't believe in the young earth version of Creation. I believe in a version that both honors The Bible and scientific discoveries. One doesn't disprove the other. Still young earth creation is better than "evolutiondidit." If I were going to make an error, I would rather be wrong about the actual age of the earth and the cosmos, than wrong about how they came into being.

If I'm not pregnant, what do my pregnancy symptoms mean?

This pretty much sounds like me 6 months ago. i didn't have my period for 3 months and had lots of pregnancy symptoms. after 10 neg preg tests i was so confused cause i had myself convinced. The mind is a powerful thing. once you come to terms with the fact you are not pregnant, your cycle will start again.

Say Obama is proven to have been born in Kenya... so what?

If he was born outside the U.S., he is legally not our president. That opens the door to others who are as bad or, God forbid, even worse.

Did you know that the indefensible parts of the Bible aren't literal?

Yup. It's true. The only parts which are meant to be read literally are the bits that have moral, accurate, or un-debunkable teachings. :)

Nicole Kidman might play the lead rome in Kenyan drama ‘Our Wild Life’ - Would you see it?

Don't know. I used to love her, but two years ago I was forced to watch Moulin rouge! which nearly made me cry it was so ******* awful. lol. So since then I haven't been able to watch her :( But if the stories good, maybe

What to get a guy friend for his birthday?

Give him the new set of Naruto action figures. Of the Naruto wii game i own it and it is a lot fun.. But why don't you give him a date as a present.. jk

Snake eating habits? My Kenyan won't eat.?

try feeding it at night and feed it live..... put the mouse in the tank like 1 hour after you turn the lights off and come back in 10 minutes.....

I'm writing an Adventure/Horror survival story and well, how is the first chapter?

Its not offly but youre new at this arent you? first off, is Tino a girls name? thats okay, but no little child talks so expressively in a vivid way. they talk simply and she feels too grown up. your plot sounds nothing like your above description so far, but it is the first chapter. your emotions are getting out right. i feel some bitterness between the boy and the step mother lady but its just not coming out right. this could be done better but i like the idea and this is a good basic start to improving it :D

What would you say if you received this email from a complete stranger?

unless you live under a rock...or in an asylum... you should know what that is about....... just delete it

What phone should I get?

have verizon but might switch doesn't matter to me. Right now I have a lg chocolate touch and I really like it. I want something that has Bluetooth built in takes good pictures and video, has an fm radio, mp3, a voice recorder and I want to b able to set my ringtone as one of the recordings if that makes sense. I would like to have Internet at apps and games would be great. Preferebly touch screen. I don't care if it has a qwerty keypad or not. I was thinking about a droid but I don't know what do u think???

Why do anti-war activists eat Hershey's bars and M&M's?

Because they both are only around because of war. M&M's because of what candy Forrest Mars Sr. noticed soldiers fighting in the Spanish Civil War eating and Hershey's bars because the U.S. Army purchased 30 lbs blocks of chocolate during WWI. Now I know that's not a founding reason, but with out the sponsorship of the Army, how likely would have Hershey's survived?

Could oatmeal cookies be considered healthy if you make them with healthier ingrediants?

Are oatmeal cookies healthy if instead of white flour you use wheat flour, and instead of sugar you put splenda, & instead of eggs you put egg beaters, and few chocolate chips wih raisins and cranberries and olive oil?

Of course the economy's in the toilet! What did Americans expect electing a Muslim Kenyan Socialist Nazi Mar?

wow...after three years, the bush derangement syndrome is in full force anyone who honestly thought this madman could get marxism to work for the first time in recorded history clearly deserves the cancerous results. the problem is the rest of us have to suffer through obama's inept managment of this nation and the results are clearly obvious. since the razor thin mandate of 06, the us electorate was sold a bill of goods. clearly they are waking up to that as evidenced by the last election but one can only hope obama follows his course and more see that the damage is repairable if they act quickly and make him a one term president.

14 weeks pregnant, girl or boy?

If your craving sweets theres a myth that says its a girl and sours is a boy. It was true on both of my kids. I craved pickles with my son and cake and sweets with my daughter. Good luck & congrats!

How commonly used is YLT of the Bible among Bible Literalists? If one is interpreting the Bible literally?

...would a literal translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts alongside the actual texts be useful in finding the literal meaning of a particular passage?

Christians and Others: How do you know which bits of the bible are literal and which are metaphorical?

Look to believe that ....God would mercilessly ....beat up .....people in hell ....endlessly .... is INSANE! People that will believe this will believe anything. When I read verses in the Bible that say the earth is FLAT, I realize that non learned men wrote it. When there are contradictions in the Bible I reject them. Therefore I reject anything that is of such. I go directly to the Creator. We do not need a book of contradictions to confuse us. We need LOVE from those that created us, not hate. And God is a God of Love. Just as we love our Children, so he loves us. The "poison doctrine" of the endless torments from our Creator, is evil. It is an evil thing to accuse the Creator of such an ungodly act as eternal hell.

What snake should i get next?

Anyone with a snake knows u can't have just one with that said what kind of snake should I get I have a phantom corn snake and a kenyan sand boa I want it to stay under 6 ft long maybe a ball python morph give me ur suggestion btw I don't have $25000 any other types of snakes that r awesome can also be listed thanks btw im NOT housing them all together

Where are obama's transcripts?

You and Captain CombOver and the rest of the racist jerks ought to be getting tired of this game; it's been played by whites since the end of the Civil War: make the black guy show his "papers". You make me ashamed of my country.

Will lifting weights stunt my growth & mess up my Track events?

i grew 3 inches last summer and i just turned 17,4 weeks ago i run a lot i don't lift weight because i don't wanna stunt my growth i am the shortest guy that runs the 400 and i beat guys that are 6ft or taller the closes guy that's close to me is 5"6 and he is done with high school i run the 400 in 50.01 sec i see a lot of Kenyans that get first in the Olympics are BERNARD LAGAT Events: (Middle Distance) middle distance means you run more than 1 mile race his Height: 5-8. Weight: 134 but Asbel Kiprop is 6'2" and listed variously as 136 or 154 lbs and hes the fastest 800m and miler in the world right now and that's what i wanna get my father is 5"7 and my mother is 4"11 they lifted weights in high school (my time in the 800m is 1:58.11 & my mile time is 4:20 i don't run more than 1 mile will I get 6 ft)

I can't stop eating unhealthy foods?

hi, im 13 years old and im not really fat, but i would like to be ALOT healthier.. basically, if i go in a shop, i have to buy something like chocolate or coke or pringles.. i can't help it, and i can't eat salad or any vegetables i hate them all.. i just don't know what to do any more coz im getting fat and i want to eat healthy and exercise.. but i have no idea how to help myself from eating junk food.:'(.. please help?.. any suggestions would be very much appreciated.. thanks so much:). x

Fun ways to make plain vanilla ice cream... better?!?

I have vanilla ice cream but i dont have any chocolate/strawberry sauce to go on top. Are there any common kitchen ingredients that could make a bowl (or a shake, whatever i decide to make ;D) of ice cream...better!!

How can I fix my ipod touch screen?

So a month or two ago i dropped my ipod and the screen shattered really bad but it still worked fine. so i didnt bother to fix it. and it was fine. then i spilled chocolate milk on it (haha smooth i know..) and it was still fine. and randomly today it stopped working right. the touch screen is all messed up and everytime i try to type something the letters go all crazy like IHEOFINNWEENURCTIO3NTG3R2OI and yeah. idk what to do.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it expensive to care for 31 different species of reptiles?

Yes, it would be expensive and time consuming. You also will need a lot of free space in your home. There are people who manage to keep even more reptiles than that in their collection, but I think it is a bit much. You would spend more time cleaning up after them than you would actually enjoying them.

Anyone have a fabulous peanut butter pie recipe?

I'm a pretty experienced cook but have never made peanut butter pie. I looked on several recipe websites but some recipes included marshmallow creme while others did not and I believe some were baked and others were not. I'm not sure which is the best to follow. Also, I just want a relatively plain pie; no fancy chocolate peanut butter cremes or chocolate graham cracker crust or anything like that. Just a traditional peanut butter pie. Any suggestions?

Please explain to us all how Obama has done more damage to America than Bush?

you are really pissed at obama man i think you should set up a protest man outside of the white house man

Painting my bed room but it does not get much sunlight?

i want to paint my bed room neutral colors. i love chocolate brown but of course i can not paint my whole room the color because it will be super dark because the room does not get much sunlight. i want to have chocolate brown in there somewhere maybe like an accent wall.

Survey: pancakes or waffles?

WAFFLES I make them every sunday morning for my family. I like to put a splash of vanilla essence in them with geradelli milk chocolate and sometimes with a bit of raisons too!!!!!! OMG ITS ALMOST SUNDAY IM EXCITED

Does Evolution = God?

They don't imply God, no. Evolution and science in general is neutral on the question. However, there is indirect support. For instance, philosophers point to the Big Bang as scientific proof for a beginning of the universe and incorporate this into their Cosmological arguments for God's existence.

Why do I crave chocolate everyday?

I have really bad cravings for chocolate every single day. I really want to stop this and I have been trying for years. What can I do?

If everything in the Bible is supposed be literal, then doesn't disproving one part of it disprove it all?

Evolution disproved the first parts of Genesis, and if the whole thing is the literal word of God, doesn't evolution disprove the Bible?

Help with my relationship?

hi guys. ok well my boy is from kenya and we have been together for three years. The only problem for me is that he works way to much. I get to see him maybe 4 times a month. I know that he has plans and goals for us and i keep trying to keep that in my head. Well lately for about the past 2 months he treats me so differently. he doesn't care to cuddle at night and we usually text good morning every morning and night. I tried something on my own by not talking to him for a day and he finally called me the next morning, Its really hurting me. I think he's taking me for granted. Im pretty positive he's not cheating on me but he seems so distant lately. What can I do to make him miss me or make me forget about him? thanks everyone :) oh and we do live together, but he has another place where he works at with two other kenyans...

Can I make instant pudding with coffee instead of milk?

Possibly, it would be pretty thin pudding though (coffee is much thinner than milk in viscosity), but I like to take adventures!

Does anyone own a lynx?

Your cat has markings similar to a lynx, but it's not a lynx, it's a domestic shorthair. I had a cat that also had black tips , but long, but called him 'caracal'..though of course he wasn't a caracal. Lynx felines are also 3x bigger than the average domestic shorthair feline.

Can someone give me the lyrics to 'la razon', please?

It's the Spanish version of 'The Reason' by Hoobastank -- I can find youtube videos with the ACTUAL song, but I'm unable to find just the plain old lyrics. I do not want the literal translation, I want the lyrics to the song, in Spanish. Since I don't know the artist of 'la razon', and I know it's not Hoobastank singing the Spanish version, if anyone knows that would be great, too. Please and thanks. And it's not the one by Juanes.

Why do i crave sugar?

im not talking about your average, "oh i think i want a candy bar"scenario. i have times where i will eat anything with sugar.any candy or food that is sweet. in my cravings, when i have the acess i will eat several bars or entire bags/ boxes of chocolate. or anything sweet available. when i do not have access to common sweets in the past i have, eaten slices of bread with sugar(white/brown/powdered) on top, or sugar and syrup. eaten sweetened drink mixes.or mixes for making sweet foods, when i didnt have the other ingredients to make the food, i have eaten sweetner packets mixed with chili powder, and at the moment i am eating plain white sugar mixed with syrup. What is causing me to have these cravings for sugar?

Would it damage my hair to dye it?

okay so my hair is a dark brown color. would it be bad if i colored it a chocolate brown color? I have died it that color before using john freita's foam hair dye but would it hurt my hair to dye it again since it has faded.

What is the point of Reciting Qur'an 33:51 & Qur'an 66:1-5 when Muhamamd & his Wives Died long back ago?

I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.

Libs: Whats with the stereotype that Conservatives hate science?

LiI have a BS/EE from MIT and work on digital microcontroller design. I don't hate science. And i don't think the earth is only 6000 years old either. I do not believe god created the earth in 6 literal 24 hour periods. Anyway ive moved away from my christian beliefs and im more of an Agnostic. I am also a libertarian conservative. Also i accept evolution(both micro and macro). Whats up with the sad stereotype? That's like me calling all libs Marxists(which i don't).

In the movie Friday in the bathroom scene what does the dad mean?

I know this is random as much as it is pointless. but me and my husband dont agree on it. When the dad says boy i smelled your s*** for 22 years and you cant smell mine for 5 minutes. i think that he means both parts are literal like he has had to walk by the bathroom and smell his crap coming out and stuff. And my husband thinks what the dad means i dealt with your problems and put up with your crap for 22 years but that part of what he said isnt literal. while the part where he says you cant smell mine for five minutes is literal.

Should Kenyan citizens be allowed to vote in the United States 2012 presidential election???????

I wonder why you ask this question because the answer is NO unless you think someone is not a Citizen of this country and if you do why not just come out and ask and not hide in this Forum

How is my dog still alive?

I mean i believe in miracles but this is a fantastic miracle! Well i was reading an article about cats (weird..) and it said cats can die or get sick from eating chocolate like dogs, and i remembered once i left a chocolate donut in a box on a low counter and left outside really quick to water my garden and when i came back in it was gone, and my box was on the floor and the donut was gone i could only suspect my dog because she was the only living thing in the house, she ate a chocolate icing donut, now is this just a miracle or what? But yes im thankful my dog is still alive its been a happy year for her with no problems, she recently turned 3 years old! (:

I have an overweight dog?

i think the reason hr wont wake cause he lacks energy an if you care about your dog you gonna have to make he walk maybe get one of those harem leaches

Money...I need it sooooo much.?

Now I'm not sure if everyone is illuminated to this fact, but, money is worth nothing in all literal truth. For example: If I wrote one dollar on a piece of paper would you accept it being as it is my currency? All money is 'a big IOU' that people are finally wanting to cash in. Back in time how money got its start was that people would take their gold to a blacksmith and trade a piece of paper that said it was worth this much and was redeemable at the blacksmiths so that instead of carrying around a bunch of gold they could pay for their food etc. Soon the blacksmith realized, "These people aren't coming back." So he kept signing out notes(or IOU's as I term them) when he didn't have any gold to back them. My question is simple, What is my money redeemable for today...if anything?

Should Sarah Palin teach our Kenyan President about American history?

Once again, that glorified Avon lady said something stupid, and once again her apologists bring up the 57 state slip. How many stupid thing does she have to say before her twitter followers realize she's a dolt? And that no amount of times they bring up 57 states can change that?

What's malaysian for no regrets?

see, i'm a quarter malaysian and i want this as a tattoo. my nan who's malaysian can't write the language. what's the absolute literal translation. only respond if your 100% sure.

How can we know the Long form certifcate is authentic and true?

I'm really think all the people who are birthers are inbreds because that is the only explanation I have for such complete and utter stupidity these people are spouting.

Which phone has everything I want?

have verizon but might switch doesn't matter to me. Right now I have a lg chocolate touch and I really like it. I want something that has Bluetooth built in takes good pictures and video, has an fm radio, mp3, a voice recorder and I want to b able to set my ringtone as one of the recordings if that makes sense. I would like to have Internet at apps and games would be great. Preferebly touch screen. I don't care if it has a qwerty keypad or not. I was thinking about a droid but I don't know what do u think???

Is it possible to get a job after doing LLM from the UK?

This master course in Law is very promising provided you get placement in good law firm. Firm those dealing in International law issues demands LLM candidates. If you can find this type of firm, I can say job will not be a problem for you. But one thing I came to know that UK ambessay is not giving Visa to LLM students easily, they are rejecting Visa application with remark to pursue this course in your own country.

Raped last weekend and struggling to get back to normal...?

Well, in MY OPINION losing your virginity means GIVING it away. NOT someone taking it, so I would say you're still a virgin in my book. I am sorry you had to go through that and wish you luck in your recovery. God Bless!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can somebody prove to me this is not Obongo's birth certificate?

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Hi, my name is Megan and the other day my friends Ali and Amanda got into a HUGE fight over me!!! I shouldn't say fight it is more like a tug a war! They just can not share me instead they each grab me by the hands and pull me as hard as they can in opposite directions!!! I guess the point is to pull me away from the other friend. My poor arms are being used like a tug a war rope and it is really starting to get old FAST!!! What should I do as the middleman in a literal tug a war over me? I am torn between both of my friends and i don't want to choose between them. MY MAIN QUESTION IS, is this a new thing/way to fight over someone or is it just my friends??? Does anyone else experience the same thing??? Honestly it would be a fun little game to play if the circumstances were brighter and they didn't pull on my arms so hard. I need help!!! Megan

How do the progressives feel about voting for Kenyan Obama in 2012? Are progressives happy with BUSH policy's?

I try to tell republicans to drop the birther issue. I think Obama is a fraud and a failure at every policy he has created but they need to drop it. All he will do is pull out his bc near reelection time and that's it for republicans. Whether it's fake or not we won't be able to prove it. Focus on keeping the house and try to take take the senate. Obama will be powerless to enact anything.

Why do some people take the bible as literal truth?

When was the last time you saw someone apply this scripture in our day? This was part of the law given to the nation of Israel and it was the gold standard of it's day. That's why the Queen of Sheba traveled far and wide to see the splendor of Solomon's temple. She exclaimed that she hadn't been told the half!! [1 Kings 10:7]...Why don't you stop picking apart what you read and appreciate the truths found the book of Daniel. Very cool. It starts out talking about how a few young men took their stand for true worship in a land foreign to them (they were captured by the Babylonians) THIS IS COOL!! When young people have the faith to stand up for what is right and NOT give in to peer pressure. Jehovah's Witnesses have taught me principles that are realistic and have changed my life in many ways. The Bible can teach you too to be someone with self-respect and integrity. And as a bonus, everlasting life on a paradise earth. See Daniel 2:44.

Pregnant? The tests say I'm not, but I think I am...?

It definately sounds like you're pregnant. Sometimes, it just unexplainably takes a while for a pregnancy test to detect the hormone. I would suggest making a trip to the ER and requesting a blood test. They will see you regardless of your insurance or fi

Is Obama the result of his teen mother's drunken one-night stand with a flea-bitten Kenyan?

You know what. People like you deserve nothing less than a beat down for disrespecting the dead. You are the kind of person that would walk by ground zero and make disgusting jokes about the tragedy that to place there. And I hope someday you do. So I can catch you on the Eleven o'clock news. Believe me, we will make you famous. Just that you won't be around to know it.

Why did Colonel Kadaffi say Barack Obama is a Muslim?

his father was born a kenyan muslim so yes barack obama's origins are of that yes, that does not in any sense mean he's a muslim though.......and even if he was ...who cares...

Why do atheists think this disproves the bible?

just because the bible says "four corners of the earth" or "ends of the earth" that DOESN'T mean the bible is untrue. Its a figure of speech, and is not meant to be a literal interpretation of the shape of the earth.

Do u think the founders ment for a half brit to be president?

obama is half British because his father is Kenyan which was a british colony at the time of obamas fathers birth. do you really think this is what the founders ment by natural born citizen?

What color should I paint my walls?

I'm going for a nature theme and my bed is sage green (as well as the rug) and my furniture is a chocolate brown.

What's this candy called?

Does anyone know what this candy is? It's a chocolate ball but hollow, and inside it is sweet-tart like candy's. Thanks!

Should i die my hair ?

Any color .i have chocolate brown.beautiful thick hair that my friends are jelly of.Should I??!!!?!!?!? PLEASEEEEE ANSWERRRRRRR.What do you reccommend

Will a birther do this sanity test?

Where are his footprints? Where are his mother and fathers thumb prints? All required on a GENUINE birth certificate. Check your will see..actually check any body's BC, except obamas of course.

What would happen if a Kenyan drank Shockolate Powerthrist?

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As a Christian do you believe the Noah's Ark story to be literally true?

The Bible is full of stories which are not really true. Now we know that Adam & Eve are not the first people on Earth. The Noah's Arc story is not true. Just like Adam & Eve story it is a way of explaining things. Just like Pharaoh drowned in the sea after he and his soldiers went after Moses and his people. Have you ever read such incident in your History book?

Authentic turquoise and silver Indian style jewelry?

I'm looking for some pretty, turquoise stone jewelry, perferably in silver settings. Where can I find necklaces and cuffs that won't break the bank but are of good quality? I'm looking for something Aztec, Indian style but I don't want anything too literal. To get a general idea of what I like, Miley Cyrus wears this necklace a lot: I've been on Etsy but there is so much to weed through! Anyone know of SPECIFIC SELLERS OR SITES that sell jewelry like this? For a 19 year old.

Poll: Who out there considers themselves a "Birther"?

I don't think one way or another, I just don't like the fact that the proof provided was a fake and wasn't an actual long form live birth certificate and if he had nothing to hide, why has he spent $2 million doing so? I disagree with Obama but I would be the same way with anyone. If you don't qualify then you don't qualify.

What is in the 'baking mix' for soft chewy chocolate cookies that you add butter and egg to?

I just wanted to know if I could make my own because I have chocolate powder, flour, baking powder...

Are humans really worthy of being called animals?

In a literal sense humans are animals, but do they really deserve that title considering how they are so inferior to every other animal?


Hi, my name is Megan and the other day my friends Ali and Amanda got into a HUGE fight over me!!! I shouldn't say fight it is more like a tug a war! They just can not share me instead they each grab me by the hands and pull me as hard as they can in opposite directions!!! I guess the point is to pull me away from the other friend. My poor arms are being used like a tug a war rope and it is really starting to get old FAST!!! What should I do as the middleman in a literal tug a war over me? I am torn between both of my friends and i don't want to choose between them. MY MAIN QUESTION IS, is this a new thing/way to fight over someone or is it just my friends??? Does anyone else experience the same thing??? Honestly it would be a fun little game to play if the circumstances were brighter and they didn't pull on my arms so hard. I need help!!! Megan

I feel so sad for him?

She and her new boyfriend really do appreciate all of the hard work your employee did on their behalf.

My dog just ate half of a large bag of M&Ms! What should I do?!?

If they were dark chocolate I would say call the vet at least. Since its milk chocolate and not nearly enough for a serious medical issue just be prepared for a mess. Either when your dog pukes or it comes blasting out the other end. Make sure he's got plenty of water. If you think he may have eaten any of the bag call your vet and at least speak with them.

Am I at a healthy weight?

Hey guys, I'm 15 years old, 6"0 tall, my BMI is 24.0, and I'm a literal 'big bone' build, and I'm toned pretty well, no six pack of abs, but I've got the muscle, etc. Am I at a healthy weight? And believe it or not, I can't lose any, I vary from 175-183 pounds all the time.

The House on Mango Street question ?

I'd go with b.) myself. Esperanza's name literally means hope, but for her english - speaking classmates, it's one more thing that makes her stand out as different and strange to them. It symbolizes the alienation she feels. She doesn't feel particularly happy or angry about her name's meaning - she appreciates her heritage but dislikes being the "weird" bilingual kid.

Obama's dad is Kenyan his baby momma be Iowan he's Hawaiian and went to a muslim school in Indonesia?

Yes, Obama's father is a Kenyan, or African and his mother (not baby momma) is white. Most Africans are Muslim so it makes sense that he would study and become a Muslim.

Isn't the idea of the US President having to be a natural born citizen sort of outdated?

No. Interesting that the same people who call the Constitution "outdated" and "flexible" are the ones who try the hardest to get rid of it.

Could someone of the Jewish faith help me with this?

You are better off reading a "Blue Bible" which has the direct quotations of Hebrew and Greek sections of the Bible.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How should I make these truffles?

So I have a recipe on how to make these truffles and it says I need to dip them in chocolate. I don't have a fondue thing or anything like that. Should I put in on a spoon and dunk it in? Or should I try to poke it with a toothpick and dip it in? I'm afraid it'll fall off.

Please criticize my Descriptive Essay? First time I wrote this type of essay?

I've never read anything better than this! The only thing is this: in the last sentences, i.e "I know for sure, that you will not be contented with just one Galaxy chocolate bar", you could add something more, like "You want your tongue to eat another one".

Should I consider myself a Christian or just Monotheistic?

You see, I believe in God. Well, a god anyways. Some kind of higher being, you know? I also love Jesus. He's a good guy. I don't think he's the literal son of God, though. I think of Jesus the same way I think of the Buddha or Gandhi. A Spiritual Leader if you will. I'm a very spiritual person I guess, lol. Is it incorrect for me to consider myself a Christian...who also follows Buddhist philosophies. (I don't really consider Buddhism a religion, per se, since it doesn't have a god(s) or anything, nor does it say there is none). Is there a specific word for what I believe? Perhaps a very unorthadox Christian, or neo/new-age Christian?

Witch threats help?????????

What should I do? A literal witch (pentagram, Satan, Witch) not a B*tch....that too I guess...but she threatened me and my family already, and tried to kill my neighbors dog by soaking yarn in bacon fat, and throws boiled "cursed" chicken/cat bones over their priviacy there any legal action I can make? Or do I catch her in the act and beat her senseless? I'm kind of lost on the subject

Is Obama now going to disprove 9/11 truthers?

Most conspiracy theories, well over 90% IMO are BS. But TWA flight 800 being shot down by a missile probably really did happen, and sasquatch probably is a real animal. I don't think 911 was an inside job. I definitely don't think GW Bush knew about it ahead of time.

How do you figure this out?

a store mixes Kenyan coffee worth $12 per kilogram and Turkish coffee worth $16 per kilogram. The mixture is to sell for $15 per kilogram. Find how much of each should be used to make a 204-kilogram mixture.

Algebra II math help _ please?

Create your own unique literal equation and solve for one of the variables. Show your work. Then, using complete sentences, explain how you solved for the variable you chose

Who are the Top 5 current softest NHL players?

A.Burrows, H.Sedin,his brother (thelma and louise) haha, luongo....need I say more, that whole team is soft

My Mom Won't let me get another Dog ?

I Really Want another Dog , my mom always says yes then she backs out of it for no reason apparently ? Our other dog is really hers and has a Bad attitude towards me . It's not really even a Dog , i have asked for other pets ( Rabbits , Ferrets ) and she still says no , i save up my money cut the grass for free , do stuff without being told Keep My room clean living room clean . Walk Her dog , then she says i spend too much time on facebook ( untruthful ) , only get on later in the day except weekends . Then i say well if i had something else to do , i wouldn't spend so much time on there , i dont really have alot of friend and really dont go out with my few friends once or twice a year . I want a Chocolate Lab or a Golden Retriver or possibly a Cocker Spaniel , her favorite breeds but she says No ! I'm not a Bad Pet owner . with my past pets ( Birds ) , BTW thats the only thing she WILL let me have . And i dont want another !

What should I name my cupcakes?

My friends and I are opening up a cupcake shop. And we are trying to think of cute names for cupcakes and we need help. We need cute names for: vanilla, chocolate, German chocolate, strawberry, Oreo, and red velvet cupcakes. Thanks

Relationship advice please?

hi guys. ok well my boy is from kenya and we have been together for three years. The only problem for me is that he works way to much. I get to see him maybe 4 times a month. I know that he has plans and goals for us and i keep trying to keep that in my head. Well lately for about the past 2 months he treats me so differently. he doesn't care to cuddle at night and we usually text good morning every morning and night. I tried something on my own by not talking to him for a day and he finally called me the next morning, Its really hurting me. I think he's taking me for granted. Im pretty positive he's not cheating on me but he seems so distant lately. What can I do to make him miss me or make me forget about him? thanks everyone :) oh and we do live together, but he has another place where he works at with two other kenyans...

How would you define a beautiful body in Latin?

I am not looking for a literal translation, but more of a phrase that would be considered correct at the time.

Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more?

I prefer snowy days :D building a snowman and curling up beside the fire with a mug of hot chocolate ;)

Why don't chocolate chips melt into chocolate chip cookies?

I was just wondering why the chocolate doesn't mix in with the dough or with the overall flavor of the cookie.

What kind of chocolates or bars can make you fat?

I am really skinny and I need to get a little more weight... What can I do instead of eating alot of food???

In arabic how do you say "i need chocolate"?

My husband is frm jordan can u tell me in arabic english text " I need chocolate" thanks everyone

What kind of snakes are in your collection?

I have a kenyan sand boa(Eros), phantom corn snake(Ladon), cinnamon pastel ball Python(Apollo), and last but not least a mojave ball Python(that i havnt named yet)and I love every inch of them tell me about your snake and how u care for them or breed them or just what kind u have and dont forget ur snakes name thanks for reading :)

Should i let my bf touch me when he wants?(need help)?

my bf n me were best friends for a year before we started to date 3 mnths that time he was shy and use to tell me he doesnt like sex but now its different...whenever m saying sumthing..he just kisses me madly n starts to knead my body n i hav to shout to stop him....he is 19 and i m 14 so i dont like this now....i really love him though...last tym we met he pushed me on his bed n started to kiss n knead my body n opened his shirt...i was shouting bt he didnt stop until i slapped him ,,,n left now m too scared to meet him as if next time he will rape me after that he told me hes sorry by msg many many times n even sent me a dress a teddy n chocolates,,,,,i cant even tell mom abt this.....wt shld i do? i m very much in love with him but is he lusted or what? shld i just let him touch me,,is this normal? thanks

Can you prove that the Devil isn't the right choice?

Well all I can tell you is that when I decided to study The Bible I came to realize one thing. Someone wrote it as an instruction manual for humans to follow to prolong our existence on planet Earth for as long as possible. I then realized that the devil hates all humans and wants all humans dead as soon as possible and would never write a book for mankind to follow that would prolong mankind's existence. So that proves to me that the devil is not the right choice for humans to make.

JW’s, how do you determine what part of these verses is literal and what is not?

If it agrees with their doctrine, its literal. if it doesn't then its figurative... They try and come off all scholarly but thats really all it comes down to.

Will i really obtain the schegen visa from the german embassy so soon?

I am a kenyan citizen by birth and I recently applied for a schegen visa at the german embassy nairobi.after 2 weeks of time I received a letter from the embassy denying me the traveling purpose was to study the dutch language at Hartnackschule in berlin.after observing the letter I corrected my mistakes as indicated.yet the embassy remained with some my original documents(certificates of education) holding me back not to be able to apply again for the visa.when I ask for my documents I do not get them.I was to join the dutch school in berlin on 29-june-2011.till now am stranded.I need some help to be able to obtain the visa so that I can join the school by the indicated date.plz help because I have already paid the school fees.

Curb chocolate cravings?

i dont want to eat those brownie in a mug things every night...but i ALWAYS crave chocolate/chocolate brownies/something like yodels, etc. EVERY DAY any suggestions? thanks(:

When/ how/ how much sour cream to cake recipe?

If you add sour cream when it isn't called for, you will probably ruin the cake and it will not it any more moist than liquid called for in the recipe. This sounds like a pretty moist cake recipe. Just start testing the cake about 15 minutes after you start baking the cake. Insert a tooth pick in the center of cake and when it comes out clean, the cake is done. 20 minutes is not that long to bake a cake.

Did Obama release his BC from Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya?

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Why do christian protestants teach in a literal way the book of revelation?

like is the end of the world and a final battle in somewhere in the Holy land, the eat and west will fight each other and stuff like that

Is it okay to visit to ecuadore from peru having peru tourist visa?

is it okay to visit to ecuadore from peru. i have peru tourist visa, living in Dubai, UAE, nationality Kenyan

Im going to turn obese if I don't stop eating ugh?

Should I not worry about what I am eating since I lost my period for a year? Im 16, 5"5.5 and 110 pounds I used to be 100 pounda and want to be that weight again and o don't care I'd I'm underweight....should igo for it or should I just eat whatever I want? This whole week I have been eating very crappy...chops, chocolate, icecream ugh....I feel miserably guilty ..I don't want to become overweight!!! Please tell me I'm going to be okay!!

What are your ideas of race as it pertains to my family?

Family and race have no correlation. Some of the tightest, strongest families I know are those of mixed races- black, white, asian, hispanic. Love and good parenting really has nothing to do with race. Its so great that you want to adopt. I know a single white mom of a black little girl and they're really close!! Good luck!

So is Obama an American, or is he a Kenyan Muslim?

I dont know i still cant decide. If he is an american or a Kenyan Indonesian MUSLIM! So which one is he?

Considering the cultural biases which people use to criticize the Bible & other ancients texts, would a....?

If the vast majority of problems with the Bible could be explained as misunderstandings of the translated words you might have a point. However, the problems run much deeper than that.

I Can't do a pull-up?

Pull Ups use your back and biceps . Of course you can't do any pull ups man they use different muscles than pushups . What you can do to work your way up to doing pull ups is do some bicep curls. And lat pull downs. Work out at the gym and eventually pull ups will be the easiest thing ever

My dear Christians- what is your honest opinion about Christian goths?

As long as they are Christian I feel comfortable, we are not meant to be judging others remember, but, usually where there is one goth, many flock, and eventually you are going to run into a non-christian goth. And they might just be the cause, and might just tear you down. It happened to me, except it wasn't goth, it was more of emo so I started hanging around with the emo people, who were not Christians. And I jacked myself up because I wanted to be cool, it was more important to than anything else, including God, I hate saying it but that is how I was. I've changed though, and I chose my friends wisely now, and put God first. God bless~

Black Americans say my cousin is black (even though he's mulatto) because of slavery...?

But... My cousin is part Kenyan and part German. Since when were Kenyans part of the Slave Trade? lol

If Satan is the God of this world is he neglecting his obligation to have fun burning people in hell ?

True Christians learn from Jehovah and even Jesus' teaching ; however , Satan got upset with that problem that disturbed him real bad. So , Satan put his hands to covering people's eyes not able to see the reality or truth , so that why people don't know Jehovah.

What is the best way to burn fat and build muscle on a budget in regards to a diet and exercise?

Im an 18 year old 6'1 210lb male with hardly any muscle, my normal diet is pretty simple, junk, i drink nothing but soda, about a 24 pack of coke every 2 days, as far as food is concerned i eat things like corn-dogs and microwave burritos for dinner, i work third shift so its hard to plan meals as my girlfriend works days, most of the time i grab what i can, when im at work for lunch i buy 2 Monster energy drinks because the last few years i don't get very good sleep and don't have much energy, and its paired with things like chocolate chip cookies and Doritos i really need some help ive looked online but most things i found are either expensive, hard to cook because i don't know how and my schedule conflicts, or its not something i can just buy outright at lunch time at work, i work in Wal-mart so i have some options but im not sure what to get, now that ive covered food my lifestyle also comes into play, just about every night that im off work or when i get home in the morning i sit down and play video-games or mess around on the computer until i go to sleep, so other than work which im constantly walking and lifting(im a stocker) i don't get much exercise, and to make matters worse im a longtime smoker i used to smoke up to 2 packs a day but have cut down in the last year to a little over half a pack a day, please any help with advice on exercise, food or drinks, how to get my better sleep and energy back, I don't know if anyone can help with the smoking but ill throw that in as well, it would be greatly appreciated

Did I do the righ thing with my friend and her boyfriend?

My friend is black Kenyan and she was dating this white guy frm Eastern Europe and was seriously in love with him but I advised her aginst getting involved wth white men, esp those from Eastern Europe, b/c theyhave high divorce and domestic violence rates. In her culture, divorce is frownd upon, as it means family breakup, which is considered bad, so both the menand th wom,en in Kenya are encouraged to stay together. I told her hazt these men see you as a novelty, so all's well in the beginning, but later on, it ends with divorce b/c they want to cheat or worse. Isaid being a girl, looking at white me's divorce rates, it' better to marry a Kenyan, as white mn do not offer good security. Turns ut that after they broke up, se learned that he was cheating on her with someone else. Did I do the right thing?

Being how Obama Sr was already married to Kezia (in Kenya).........?

There are some divorce documents for the Barack/Stanley marriage, but it does not appear that they were ever married anyway, even though it would have been a case of bigamy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is this latin quote from Dan Brown?

There was a quote I could have sworn I heard from a Dan Brown Novel that basically said "Who will govern the government" (something along those lines) but I can't remember the literal translation or the latin form. If anyone know I would really appreciate it!

Is Obama still a Muslim, Communist, Kenyan? Or is he just a Communist now?

He showed his birth certificate and killed Bin Laden, so is that part over with now? Or is that just exactly what a Kenyan Muslim would like you to believe?

I was kicked out of a Tea Party rally yesterday, why?

Okay, I'll give it to you straight. I'm a conservative black man who believes in low taxes, small government, personal responsibility, etc, therefore I despise Obama. But anyways, I heard of the Tea Party recently and they seemed to express similar values, so I decided to attend a rally. So when I get there, I was a bit disturbed about being the only black person there so I cautiously unfolded the sign I had made. "Obama is a Kenyan communist fascist" for those who may be wondering. Anyways, I was approached after a few minutes by two aging white men with potbellies. They said, 'Son, you're gonna have to get going'. I said, 'What for?, even turning around to give them a glimpse of the confederate flag stitched on the back of my jacket. "Just go now, before there's trouble" they said. At this point a crowd had gathered around us and I could feel the steely eyes piercing me everywhere, so I just walked away. "Why?" I exclaimed as I approached the exit. I heard someone say 'you're the wrong color' and murmurs of approval from the others

Is it possible to fully restore trust in a man that has cheated on you?

I have been datin this Kenyan guy for about 8 months now. 3 months into the relationship he took a trip back to kenya and ended up cheating on me. I found out through facebook, the girl contacted me and her picture was the 2 of them in bed. I love this man and he has treated me very well. he does not see this as a big deal but ever since then I have had a very hard time trusting him, and find myself getting very jealous when he talks to any female. It dosnt help that he speaks swahili, and I dont know what he is saying... I dont know what to do!!!!!

Why isn't my boa snake eating?

I have a 2 year old female Kenyan Sand Boa. She was been really active during the day, but what concerns me the most is that its been about 2 1/2 weeks since shes eaten. I have brought her 2 mice in this period of time but she just kills them and then leaves. What is wrong with her or is she just not hungry?

A store mixes kenyan cofee worth $11 per kg and venezuelan?

A store mixes kenyan cofee worth $11 per kg and venezuelan coffee worth 15 per kg> the Mixture is to sel for $13 per kg. Find how much of each should be used to make a 264 kg mixture.

I need a Skype Kenya online number?

I have a Skype subscription & now i need a Kenya online number, Am a Kenyan citizen living in Norway. My Skype name is petermwombewabuge

Is this for real about Obama?

Yeah, there were a couple of different papers that incorrectly identified Obama as being from Kenya.

Ghirardelli White Chocolate Liquor?

A while back I got a chance to taste a creamy white chocolate liquor made by Ghirardelli. It wasn't clear like your standard liquor and it was a bit thicker than your standard liquor too. Does anyone know where I can find it or where I can find something similar?

Why do Christians always say the Bible is all "metaphorical"?

Generalizations betray credibility and lead to false conclusions -- not all say this, in fact some go the other extreme and believe it is only to be taken literally...then there are any number of people in the sliding scale in between. Don't get caught up in the debate. The truth is that Scriptures interpret other Scriptures and where there is confusion or assumed contradiction, the interpretation is incorrect. Problem is lazy people don't study and agenda driven for yourself or risk being misled.

Nice, China is giving Obama's homeland a little kickback for turning our country communist?

Nice, have you put in your request to Webster to have the definition if communism changed or are you just making it up as you go along?

So is Obama an American, or is he a Kenyan Muslim?

I still dont believe the goddarn birth ceritificate, he is hiding something! Why dunt the Amurikan people stand up for their rights againt this NAZI DICTATOR!!! I just cry when i see this happening to our great cuntry!

Lampshade design for the Coca-Cola Company?

how about covering it with dollar bills and putting the word "greed" all over it, in the Coca Cola font? ?

Do u think the founders ment for a half brit to be president?

obama is half British because his father is Kenyan which was a british colony at the time of obamas fathers birth. do you really think this is what the founders ment by natural born citizen?

Where can a launch party be?

A launch party for a chocolate bar should be in a candy store or some other public place that is related to your product. You could sell the bars at the launch party (the store getting a share of the price).

Can a 14 year old be in literal love? Please Help!?

My best friend keeps saying she's in love like seriously she says she's going to marry him and have kids with him, but she's never met him. They met online and I'm worried ever since they met she's changed and not it the good way. I don't believe they're in love, please help!!

What kind of diet should you have if trying to get a 6 pack?

Building muscle takes burning calories that you take in. When you work out you are burning away muscle that your body is instantly rebuilding (to be tougher and stronger) doing nothing but dieting won't get you anywhere as a 6 pack is concerned. Boys often eat a ton because we are building muscle which takes energy (which is given off by the burning of calories) eat as much as you want (as long as its HEALTHY chocolate and chips and I'm afraid to say McDonalds won't cut it) but doing it isn't all really hard core you CAN indulge one or twice every couple of weeks as long as you don't let it become 2 or 3 times a week. Doing an ab circuit or weighted sit ups/ crunches should work your upper abs. And a tree trunk (twisting your abs while holding a weighted ball) will work your lower abs. Good luck

How solving a literal equation is similar to or different from simplifying an expression?

They are the same in the sense that you are simplifying both when solving you continue to the point of coming to a solution for a variable(s)

What kind of diet should you have if trying to get a six pack?

First your McDonald's. Its not the protein content that makes McDonald's bad, it the extra sauces, extra carbos, extra fats... You want a six pack be disciplined avoid McDonald's. Now for your snacks, unsalted nuts, high in Omega threes, or Egg Whites, or Celery with a very small amount of Peanut butter. More snacks means more crunches, more back workout, more leg lifts. Remember that,

Help with Bake Sale Pricing?

Bake sales are tough. I wouldn't charge over a dollar for the cookies and brownies. Only because it's not a store bought brownie or cookie so people aren't compelled to buy them as much. Not sure why but that's just how it goes. I would charge at least $0.50 for the lemonade because as I can imagine it's not a fully filled big cup. If it is then, be my guest and charge $1! For the fruit salad I would say charge $3-4.50 for it.

Why so many American fans call Haye a slick and fast boxer? He's not an African-American how can he be slick?

Ha! Someone got a sense of humor but he tries to share with the stupid yanks. Umm, sorry but it's not going to work with them, they are too stupid and sensitive to understand European humor.

The real reason women have racially lost self respect?

Who do some of you women think you are to be attracted to or even consider glancing at a dark skin black man. What has gotten through some women’s heads, are you sick or something, mentally handicapped what is it? They say that women are attracted to looks like men but come on! What the hell do you see in dark skin black men. Ah dark skin black men are masculine? My *** please! You women should burn in hell for that you make me sick. I don’t believe that any women doesn’t want us or even secretly. Our eye colours vary green, blue, hazel etc, blond/ brunette hair. What have dark skin black men got, chocolate dark skin and that’s supposed to be masculine kisses teeth. For other men I know it is easy for them to feel they aren’t desired but no matter what anyone says everyone knows all women want us and this is no superiority complex as you call it, this is fact. If they don’t they’re either blind or stupid and deserve to die. Ladies do everyone a favour and let them rot on their own. I swear if a women is attracted to dark skin black men she is completely lying as this is not scientifically possible. Every other type of man including light skin black men look closer to the ideal/ us so finding dark skin black men appealing is a lie and God shall punish you for committing such a filthy sin. If you delete this its because it’s the truth. If you don’t delete this its because it’s the truth.

My girlfriend is still sick. Should I let her rest?

write her a nice card for when she gets up or just sit beside her and watch tv if you dont want to get it wash for hands or wear a mask.

Math help pleaseeee ??!!!?

Go to: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Protestants everything you do is symbolic? ?

The communion cannot be literal, the literal blood of Christ and literal body. The Catholic religion is just trying to exalt themselves above other Christians in all sorts of ways. They are NOT the only true church or the first one either, or the ones who wrote the NT.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why do christians keep trying to smear Fred Phelps?

he teaches something very, and I mean very different from the bible as a whole. He only uses certain verses and twist them a certain wicked way. Just plain sick.

What is the most ridiculous story in the bible?

I'd have to go with adam and eve.. It's embarrassing to see people try and interpret this story as a real, literal event.

My gf doesn't wanna have sex with me because..?

We've known eachother for 5 years and we've been dating for two months. We both think we are perfect for eachother there's no one that can take the place of either one of us. We even promised eachother to marry after college, also talked about having a kid. When we talked about sex(she's a virgin btw), she said she'd like to wait until the day we marry. My jaw literally dropped on the floor because that's like 5 years of literal torture! When I asked her why wait that much, she said she's afraid I'll grow tired of her and dump her, after having sex. She even suggested me to sleep with other people just not to lose me! Then I think I calmed her down, she said let time decide.. Now there's an awkward tension that I really hate, I don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated.

Introducing my dog to my kitten? helphelphelp?

I just recently got a lovely little maine coon kitten. a very sweet little thing. i also have a very large, very rowdy 1 year old catahoula leopard hound crossed with chocolate lab. hes a very good dog, very friendly. but hes such a klutzy oaf, and gets very rough when he plays with other dogs, i always tell him to settle down when he gets too rough. but anyway, i introduced them and as i expected he immediately wanted to play with it. i asked him to lay down and placed the kitten down beside him. at first he sort of snuffled him and seemed very interested, wagging his tail and all. as the kitten walked around, he followed him. keeping a very close eye on him, his eyes were locked on him and everytime the kitten made a move to go run somewhere he would jump forward as if to chase him but i would snap at him and he would stop and continue to follow him around and just stare him down. im so worried that hes gonna just go for him when im not looking. i would never trust him with him but like if he got out and i didnt know im not sure if he would do anything. what do i do ??

Is the media infecting the mind of the youth?

totally right kids make fun of me because i have a big ***... and it makes me feel bad but i dont care ill eat what i want

Is Prince William going to have a laugh with the Kenyans about dumb Americans who think Obama was born there?

Likely honeymoon destinations for the newlyweds could include Africa - a continent the Duke has a deep affection for. The second in line to the throne could take his wife to countries like Botswana, or Kenya where he proposed to Kate.

Easiest possible way to make chocolate cake?

I know nothing about baking and I must make a chocolate cake ( strawberries). I am 15 and I must do it alone. I know absolutely nothing about baking, Please provide me with an easy stepby step recipe.

Hey Birthers!, Did you know.....?

You might as well address this to a bunch of rocks, the petty, narrow minded, brainwashed Cons could care less about the BC they just don't want to admit that he is the President of the US.

Why would a Bible publisher advertise "Most literal of all Bible translations!" as if that make it superior?

Isn't this just a cynical appeal to the general public's ignorance of language and translation issues? Or do you think that having the "most literal" Bible translation is something that should be a translator's goal? WHY OR WHY NOT?

Why are you willing to believe Obama was not born here, but 9/11 wasn't a inside job?

9/11, had more proof that it was a inside job then when it wasn't. Obama has half of America believe he is muslim-born Kenyan.

How do I lighten my complexion ?

I am a dark indian person. My complexion is like chocolate all my life I've been bullied for it and been told If I were fairer I'd be pretty. Anyone have any ideas on how to lighten complexion

Why is my period 9 days late?

hiya. i am 15 years old and my period is 9 day late. i have never had sex so im obviously not pregnant. My period is usually early by about 2 days or late by 3. i dont understand my it is so late now. The only thing that i have changed about my diet is that im not eating chocolate and sweets in the week (whereas i used to eat that every day). im not stressed but i have had exams recently. before my period i get stomach pains that are quite bad for a bit. i have had a headache for the last 3 days and on tuesday, i did get stomach pains in my lower abdoman an i thought i would get it yesterday but i didnt. what do you guys think??

Atheists and Christians : Please help?

We agree on all of the important matters. Some of the small matters lack clarity and are open to interpretation. Those we will sometimes disagree about.

What coat color would you consider this Pomeranian puppy to have?

This is my little pom puppy that I will be picking up tomorrow. He is 9 weeks old. I have been looking around a bit on websites, AKC site, ect. to try and figure out what his coat would be considered. Would he be considered wolf sable, chocolate sable, or perhaps something else? I am just asking out of my own curiosity. I have been doing extensive research on this beautiful breed, as I want to be perfectly prepared and educated when he arrives, and this is the only question I have left that pertains to him. Thank you in advance for your input! Here is the link to his picture: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this ok to eat in a day?

for breakfast 3 cruskits with cheese and pickles( I used 2 medium sized pickles and 2 light cheese slices). For a snacks I had 3 pickles(medium size). I had a small chocolate yogurt which I know I shouldn't of had, but it was small and I was craving it badly. And for lunch I will be having vegetables( broccoli, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 200g of mushrooms, and I will add salt and a teaspoon of margarine to it.

Heating Pad for a wooden cage?

I was wondering if it was ok to use a standard zoo med heat pad on a wooden cage. The heat gets through fine. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't run into any problems. The cage is 7 inches by 13 inches. It will probably we housing a Kenyan sand boa on aspen.

What evidence is there that Obama was actually born in Hawaii ? And what evidence is there that he was born in?

Kenya ? And what difference does it make ? Dems said for years that Bush wasn't really elected. Well, if he wasn't elected, and he served as president, then there are no safe guards against people who shouldn't be allowed to serve... serving. So if Obama was PROVEN to be a native born Kenyan, would it make a difference ? Is there an online Kenyan birth certificate for Obama ? Is there a reason to reject it and accept the one for Hawaii ? Has anyone out there ever actually let critical thinking decide what they think or do they just go "Oh, this is what I WANT to think so this is what must be true." ?

Anyone up for another True/False Food Survey?

1)very very true. 2)very very true. 3)false 4)very very very etc. false. 5)false. 6)false false false i can not not not dislike pizza.

Why doesn't the media cover the 6,000+ deaths per year in Mexico caused by America's brainless war on Drugs?

Because its Mexico, like who cares. As long as all the Taco Bells are operating correctly I could care less what happens south of the border.

Atheists: Where does the Bible state the world is flat?

The Bible has a lot of things right. Pi isn't 3.0, but the proverbs are well worth reading. I have never found a passage that says the world is flat.

What is your favourite spread?

Nutella FTW! I have a whole shelf full of them , i actally have some on my dresser right now , i was eating it earlier , right out of the container . It's so addicting ! :D

US Visa for Kenyan Boyfriend?

Asking him to participate in green card lottery, which is faster and quicker way to get green card and get into USA.

My neighbor feeds my dog and I am having problems getting him to stop?

All I can suggest is that you should not let your dog go near that person anymore. I don't think you should call someone, but rather keep reminding your neighbor and keep your dog away from him. Good luck and take care.

Do greasy foods and chocolate cause acne breakouts?

I hear a lot of people saying that these kinds of foods do cause breakouts and stuff but I read a book in my doctor's office that said that they are myths and they don't really cause acne or breakouts for that matter.

Who came out on top Obama or Trump?

I think Obama did. If I were him, I would have done the same thing. I would have waited til all the morons like Trump and the birthers got super retarded, and then release the certificate to show what idiots they are.

My wire fox terrier is retching but not vomiting and this has been going on for a few minutes. Why?

He was sick last night just the once but has been fine since. Then today he started to retch so I put him outside but no vomit. I had given him two Markies and 2 dog chocolate drops just 5 minutes before and he ate them fine. That is about the usual amount of his mid day snack. (he gets 3 walks a day so he isn't fat). He likes his Markies. He has been retching for 5 minutes but I can't see the problem. I looked in his throat and found nothing obvious. Help.

What was the name of the kenyan golf course in the Tourism and the truth?

I just watched Tourism and truth: Kenya on the iplayer in hope I could use some of the information in my Geography exam but I couldnt find if they mentioned the name of the golf course in the show. I would be really grateful if anyone knew it. Thanks!

What phone should I get?

have verizon but might switch doesn't matter to me. Right now I have a lg chocolate touch and I really like it. I want something that has Bluetooth built in takes good pictures and video, has an fm radio, mp3, a voice recorder and I want to b able to set my ringtone as one of the recordings if that makes sense. I would like to have Internet at apps and games would be great. Preferebly touch screen. I don't care if it has a qwerty keypad or not. I was thinking about a droid but I don't know what do u think???

Help me with this math problem ?

Dani is mixing chocolate candy and banana chips. The chocolate candy costs $6.60 a pound and the banana chips cost $3 a pound. How many pounds of chocolate candy will she need to make 15 pound of the mix that will cost $4.20 a pound?

Why did the US elect a socialist muslim communist fascist Kenyan Marxist Nazi like 0bama?

communist and fascist are a complete contradiction of ideology's, you can't be both at the same time, and btw Obama is none of what you mentioned above ether from a world standpoint he is conservative. Just not the spastic take one step to the right and fall off the side of the earth American conservative.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How much money should I bring to Kenya?

Since 1 kenya shillings is 100 rupees then u should carry many of those rupees because a 2 star hotel in nairobi kenya costs about 10000 kenya shillings a night including supper and breakfast

Anyone know how to speak a language other than english? Need random sentences?

我今天去逛了街, 但是我忘了带钱包。 Today, I went shopping, but I had forgotten to bring my purse

How can a 15 year old boy develop visible abs? (six pack)?

I'm a 15 year old boy. I'm skinny, and i would really like to get visible abs. I hate being skinny with other muscular boys around me in school. I currently have a gym membership, but i haven't been for a few weeks because of money. I do a free swim after school once per week and do press ups (about 30) and sit ups (about 20-30) every night before bed. I'm also trying to cut down on fatty things such as chocolate and eating healthier foods such as fruits. How can improve in a way that will not cost too much money. Are there any good free iPhone apps out there?

What type of dog is this?

I have had him forever. The pound we got him from said he was a Golden Retriever Chocolate Lab mix, but his doesn't look like a Labrador Retriever. He is a lot bigger, and not a black or blond color. He is golden. He looks like a Golden Retrieve with short fur, like a retriever and lab mix, but how can he be if he is so much bigger then they are supposed to be?

Obama is a Muslim Kenyan socialist Marxist who faked the death of Osama Bin Laden?

Sort of. you left out that he is a fascist, nazi, communist, anarchist, muslim, radical christian, jewish atheist.

Why don't I chase after her?

My gf always says I don't chase after her when he's upset like not in the literal sense of the word but like when she want me to take the initiative, but I dont, why? Like I dint like being the first to give in or lets say if we are texting I don't like initiating it first, why?

Ok...i was recently looking for an anime/manga about a clingy and jealous girl but no dice... ?

Does anyone know of an anime show where there's a girl in love with a guy and she's pretty much crazy? And she stalks him, is incredibly clingy, and or cries a lot? I know I'm a bit literal but if none exist I guess i'll just make my own...

Poll:What do you do Christmas eve?

I wake up and eat the last chocolate on the advent calendar and then breakfast. I watch tv then go to Price Chopper with my grandpa to get the big sandwich (i don't eat it). Around 3:00 P.M. my dad and siblings and step mom go over to my grandparents (i spent the night the night before) the adults eat and me and my siblings (my brother is 8,my sister is 5 and i'm 13) Go on the computer and track Santa Claus and call NORAD.We all give compliments to each other. My dad told me i was the smartest son a dad could have. Then i go home with my dad. Then my brother scolds me and tells me i need a haircut (he has a buzz cut and my hair touches my collar and covers my eyes) and then we wake up on Christmas morning and go to see what Santa Claus left for us. Then i go to my grandparents to open my presents there and then i go to my mom's family's house.

Matthew 5:48 - where does the word "perfect" come from? (See the full verse in description)?

if you follow GODS way and do what Jesus did that's called perfect and you can but unfortunately the dark side is obstructing people from getting or being perfect. Not human perfections because money ain't included on being perfect

Why is my period 9 day late? 15 years old.?

hiya. i am 15 years old and my period is 9 day late. i have never had sex so im obviously not pregnant. My period is usually early by about 2 days or late by 3. i dont understand my it is so late now. The only thing that i have changed about my diet is that im not eating chocolate and sweets in the week (whereas i used to eat that every day). im not stressed but i have had exams recently. before my period i get stomach pains that are quite bad for a bit. i have had a headache for the last 3 days and on tuesday, i did get stomach pains in my lower abdoman an i thought i would get it yesterday but i didnt. what do you guys think??

Why would God write Genesis 1 and 2 differently and confuse billions of people about what's literal and not?

The Bible is written so that as mankind's scientific knowledge advances over time it will force a re translation to what we thought was old obsolete confusing scripture. We will find out that it is not The Bible that is obsolete but the human race that is reading it and trying our best to understand it.

I am a kenyan citizen and i would like to join the us marines. where do i begin from?

i am 22 years old Kenyan citizen currently in Kenya and i would like to join the us marines any of the us armed forces .where do i begin from?

Wow, is this normal?? Should I change my daughters school?

Don't stress...some children are advanced readers...but by 2nd grade it often all evens out and "later" readers can perform just as high as "early" readers (unless there is a learning disability.) Often "early" readers have very high phonics skills but aren't ready for the comprehension component necessary to get meaning from what they are reading. this is what evens it out in the end.

Should we Christians care about the rantings of atheists/evolutionists?

and Christians will stop evangelizing, and stay out of my face, and off my door step, stop controlling what I watch on TV and in Movies and the vocabulary in the music I listen to. or whether or not I can have a fetus removed, how I pray or who I pray to or when.

Best kind of birthday cake?

Its both mine and my boyfriends birthday on sunday and were having a bunch of people over for a bbq birthday party and i am thinking making my own cake would be cheaper, I am just trying to figure out what to make. I have this recipe for a devils food cake and buttercream frosting. it looks good but i just don't know what to make since some people might not like chocolate how do i decide why type of cake to make or does it even matter

What kind of desserts can you make with ice cream?

With any type of ice cream I can use Whip cream, Chocolate Sauce, Hot Fudge, and Magic Shell (chocolate sauce that when you put it on ice cream it turns solid) Thx.

How do i train my puppy to be an outside dog?

so i have a 10 week old chocolate lab german shepherd puppy and my parents want her to be an outside dog. and the only time that they are allowing her to come in is when we leave the house and she stays in her crate, they are also allowing her to come in before bedtime for about 30 min. For bed time she sleeps in a crate in the garage. so how do i approach this without making her feel lonesome? as of right now we play with her outside and then she gets tired an falls asleep out there and when she wakes up we go back out and play with her and repeat. is this a good way to approach it? thanks.

Who has the best reciepe for chocolate mud cake?

I want to make a rich chocolate cake but I cant find a good reciepe to do it with. Who has the best chocolate mud cake reciepe?


I think your thesis is very wrong and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You start off supporting him, then at the end you suddenly change your views and say he's a tool. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

What is wrong with me?

For around 5 years now i have suffered with what i call 'eye ache' and headaches daily. I have had checks for sinusitis and a brain scan but nothing has come up. I have been put on various medications to try and treat it but nothing seems to work. I used to suffer from severe migranes when i was around 13 but they have dissappeared now. I am 18 years old and it is becoming frustrating now as i just want to know what is wrong with me. I have visitied several doctors and GPs and no one seems to know what is wrong with me. Other than this i am completley healthy so i cant see anything else that would be causing it. I have tried cutting out coffee and chocolate to see if that helped but nothing changed. Can someone help me?!

My girlfriend is horrible at buying gifts. What do i do?

I know it doesn't really about material items and i do no plan on leaving her at all but still. Last Valentines Day she didn't know what to get and i don't eat chocolate so she just got me a card. She even told me that she has no idea what to get a boy for christmas or a birthday. So basically I dont want to constantly get a card from her. I'd rather have something better that i can keep forever that's from her but I don't want to sit there and ask for it. I really do not know what to do. Luckily my birthday isn't till next year. Any suggestions?

Hi GUYS DO YOU FEEL obama should be made pres of kenya as well?

Why not, he is the leader of the world, just not the U.S.A. because he is such a strong leader. The whole Muslim world is on fire in change because of one man and it is Barak Obama and I thank God for him every day.

Mormons: Here is where LDS Mormon scriptures say the mark was blackness?

I have a testimony. I know the Mormon Church is false. I know Joseph Smith is a false prophet and The Book of Mormon is not true. I know Thomas S. Monson is not a prophet. Not only do I testify to this, the Bible testifies to it and God testifies to it. Mormonism is not Christian.

Which Canmake eye shadow colors should I get for my eye color?

I have green eyes myself, and pinks and purples really work well on green eyes and make them stand out more.

Christians: Does the bible tell us which parts are metaphors and which parts are literal?

If not, then isn't it up to each individual person to take what they want from the bible? What if the whole bible was meant to be a metaphor? A guide on life? Couldn't I take the whole bible as a metaphor? Maybe heaven and hell are metaphors?

Why havent Fundamentalists learned that Blind obedience and Ingroup is dangerous?

The fundie christian mindset is essentially the same as the Islamic fundamentalists, only difference is one is christian and the other is Muslim. Fundie christians occasionally DO commit acts of terrorism, shootings and murders in the cause of their faith, but these acts usually get disowned by other fundies who say "oh, we don't shoot up abortion clinics, that's not what we really believe in."

Libs: Whats with the stereotype that Conservatives hate science?

I have a BS/EE from MIT and work on digital microcontroller design. I don't hate science. And i don't think the earth is only 6000 years old either. I do not believe god created the earth in 6 literal 24 hour periods. Anyway ive moved away from my christian beliefs and im more of an Agnostic. I am also a libertarian conservative. Also i accept evolution(both micro and macro). Whats up with the sad stereotype? That's like me calling all libs Marxists(which i don't).

I need help with xhtml errors?

There are 3 errors in your script. Go to: a href="" rel="nofollow" then put your URL into the upper address bar and click "check." They will tell you the errors are an what lines they are on.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I need help, I'm hearing voices, what do I do?

what do you mean, hearing voices? Outside of your head? By your ear? Separate than your thought? The one in your head is your thought process. If you're hearing actual voices outside of your head by your ears then that 's something else. They could be demonic or something.

What are some good gifts to get your boyfriend? (GUYS PREFERED ANSWER ONLY)?

get him some sports stuff, make a cd of his favourite music, pictures of the two of you together. be creative. guys are not complicated. most of the time, we'll be happy with just food.

How did Judas die? (Matthew 27:5 vs Acts 1:18)?

Bib....bip.....bip.....bip.....bip..... bip.....bip.....bip.....bip..... biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Do white men like the idea of black women wanting them?

I like white men. I find many of them to be extremely attractive, intelligent, and loving. I get turned on by just being in a room full of them. It's just something about them. Chocolate and Vanilla baby. Raaarw!

How do Christians know that it took God 6 earth days to create the universe?

A "day" is really relative to where you are. I mean Pluto has days, but they aren't 24 hour days like on earth. The only place in the universe to have an earth day is.....on earth! How do you know that it took God 6 literal earth days to create everything?

TRUE or FALSE: 9 out of 10 people like CHOCOLATE and the 10th. person always lies?

Well, then the 10th person would like chocolate. Yet how would I know he is lying? How would I know the liar is not you? Are you basically asking "does everyone like chocolate?" because the answer would be no. There are newborns who haven't tasted chocolate and people who are allergic. However I don't know if you are asking that, so I cannot give an answer.

Was the Abel Frye a real ship?

Not sure if this is the right category to put this in, but here goes. I just read an awesome book by Frank Peretti talking about a Kenyan disaster aboard the Abel Frye ship in either 1932 or 33. Was the Abel Frye a real ship and did the Kenyan disaster actually happen? Please cite where you got this information from. Thanks!

What is an alternative of dark chocolate?

For what purpose? For baking, cocoa powder or carob. For eating, there is no equivalent. For nutritional benefits, green tea and blueberries have the same kind of antioxidants.

Obama killed Osama, Obama killed Osama, Obama killed Osama?

What does Obama's skin color have to do with the capture of OBL? If I'm not mistaken, it was King George who initiated this operation.

Sexual pleasure is the reward "nature" gives animals for doing a procreating act!?

It's like when you tell your child: eat this fish that makes you grow up and I will give you a chocolate bar. Agree or not?

Are Kenyan girls open minded in dating?

Lots of pay-per-play to be had, any girl not on the game will be expecting presents anyway so what's the difference?

What kind of Kenyan kills his muslim master?

Gosh Birthers, if Obama is a muslim extremist, he sure is a really bad one. I mean, giving the green light to the Navy Seals to shoot a hole in Bin Laden's head like that, it's not very jihadi-like. I guess the madrasa that taught Obama how to hate America did a piss poor job. And I guess that hospital in Mombasa where he got his birth certificate will have to revoke his Kenyan citizenship because like it or not, whether you think he was born here or not, he's on our side and I'm proud of our commander-in-chief.

Have you seen this yet......I'm not impressed are you?

A lot of things *resemble* a lot of things.... People look for beauty in today's world where ever they can find it.... Do you really have a problem with that ?? go in peace... God bless

Question about Kenyans..?

Yesterday I found out, that quite a majority of people from Kenya had Chinese ancestry. Is this true? If it does, does this make them Afro-Asian?

Are Kenyan sand boas good display animals?

Do they stay burrowed all the time or do they show up above the substrate sometimes? Are they fun to watch? They seem boring to me. I don't really see the point of owning a herp if the herp is not fascinating to watch.

Do i have a personality disorder......?

It sounds like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia to me. There's medication to help with the symptoms of both of these. The problem with the medication is when people with either diseases take it, they feel better and think that they don't need the meds anymore so they stop taking it. So go to a professional and write everything (your symptoms) down just in case you're not entirely comfortable talking to them about it. Hopefully then you can get the help you need. But make sure to KEEP TAKING the meds or else you will have a really bad downward spiral. Good luck with everything and I hope you get the help that you need.

Will President Trump have enough time to save America after what the Kenyan and Marxist Democrats did to it?

He will not likely become president because the liberal media will have spoon-fed their heap of lies about him to the general populace who are too ignorant to understand that Fox news isn't the only biased news source... Every other news source is liberally biased.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to make homemade chocolate icing/frosting for brownies?

does anyone have a good recipe for homemade chocolate icing/frosting for brownies? And how do i make it?

Literal vs. Figurative Language?

haha too busy? maybe then on the test you can remember how busy you were. try an ap class and then talk about how busy you are.

What are Marlboro Menthols made of?

I know there made of tobacco(of course). But I heard there made from things line chocolate? Is that true?

Im getting a beagle...any help? please provide sources!?

i am getting a beagle(2 months old). i have studied dog breeds for a long time, but i would like some ideas. what kind of food should i buy for the beagle? and yes, i know that chocolate, eggs, soy, etc. is not good for dogs. what brand of food? should it be natural only? what type of toys should i buy? treats? beds? any flea repellent suggestions? and what type of leash and house training pads do u prefer? please provide information and sources. thank you!

How do you do the early death metal growl?

I'm listening to Death and Possessed and I'm thinking to myself, "how did they do that?" The early death metal growl or scream, I can't really define it, is kinda awkward to do and is completely different from the death growl now. I have absolutely no idea how to do it. To do the Mille Petrozza scream is really easy since it's a literal scream and the regular death metal growl is easier to pull off or fake. I just need to know how Chuck Schuldiner and Jeff Becerra do the early death growl.

A better recipe for fake blood?

We have a school project in media where we have to create a short scary/thriller/horror movie without using special effects (meaning we can't edit the footage except for cutting it) and for just one scene we need some blood. We tried using corn syrup and food coloring, but it looked sort of fake and lolly-like, even when we added coffee powder or hot chocolate mix. We can make it look realistic with lighting, but then that makes the rest of the scene look bad. Does anyone have a better recipe?

When should i take the bible literally ? and why should i in the particular situation? ?

You'll have to ask us Christians on any individual circumstance, because the literal parts sometimes change to allegorical for some things.

Could somebody translate this German for me - not the literal translation..?

My German teacher wrote in my leavers book "Sch�n, dass es dich gibt." and I keep getting 'It's nice that you exist' - but there must be a better way of saying that in English?

Was Nietzsche right? Is God Dead?

I do not mean this in the literal sense of course. I mean it in the sense that Nietzsche meant. That is, is the idea of God dead? Has the loss of this idea given way to the loss of the value system based on the belief in God? Do we need a new value system, and who or how is it to be created? Nietzsche foresaw the ascendance of the Ubermensch, or "superman", a class of humans who would define the new system of values. What do you foresee? Or is God not dead at all?

Do Christians accept that there are many differing levels of religiosity in society?

When it comes to religion, it's not a case of someone either being or not being religious; it's a case of how religious they are. It's their level of religiosity that is in question. Some people can be very religious whilst others can be only slightly religious. So when Christians blurt out stuff like, "80% of the populace are Christians," this doesn't mean squat, right? A more meaningful statistic would be, "80% of the populace admit to being Christian, but of that 80%, only 20% have a literal interpretation of Genesis and 30% don't believe Jesus performed any miracles," don't you think so? You see, it gives a more informative view of the level of religiosity in society…

Horse crossing color questions?

You will not know the color outcomes unless you are able to review the bloodlines of the horses and determine their dominant genes. On a side note, black, buckskin, and grey are all considered to be mutations. These are caused as a result of bad genes. This is why it seems so hard to find a 'good' horse of those colors. :)

For those who believe that the story of Lazarus and the rich man is a literal account of heaven and hell?

I don’t think the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus is a parable because in all the other parables the characters were anonymous, called “a certain man” or something similar. But here the main character has a name, Lazarus. (Catholic tradition has the rich man named Dives, but since dives is Latin for rich man there’s some confusion over whether it’s his name or his situation.) I believe this unique departure from the Lord’s usual style is a sign that this is an actual account, to be taken literally. Read more about the Rich Man and Lazarus: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why muslims say “there is no god but allah” if allah is a noun for ‘god’?

You're saying that Allah isn't god, that there's no god except Bible-god. The difference is only one of phrasing.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why do people question Obama's nationality?

The people who do this are in a fringe group within the Republican Party that are basically just mad that their candidate didn't win. In the USA they are regarded as lunatics and the Republican Party doesn't endorse this behavior.

Does anyone have any good recipes for brownies or chocolate chip cookies made without eggs?

My son is highly allergic to eggs, and I would love to be able to make something special for him. Thanks for your help!

Republicans may nominate an African-American for Prez, will AA's betray thier heritage and vote for a Kenyan?

That's the stupiest thing I have ever heard in my life. You shouldn't be voting for a president because of his race but rather for his polocies and political ideology

Right, you creative Harry Potter fans, I need your help....?

Make and wand and harden it :D I make them out of paper&hot glue or wood and paint. But clay works too! I'd try mixing the cherry red and chocolate. Then you can say it's made of Cherry Wood.

What to say when giving a gift?

I did a week long basketball camp. the coaches were really nice and the loved me (not like relationship love, like i was there favorite person @ the camp). one of the coaches was my favorite, but all six of the coaches were really nice. So i want to give them i little something. i already baked some chocolate muffins (hopefully none of them are allergic to chocolate). then i wrapped them in a clear wrap and tied them with bows so they would look cute (and they do). the coach that likes me the best is also my favorite. he is my favorite because i kind of like him. but when i am giving him his gift, i don't want to say something stupid or anything like that. HELPPPP!!!!!!!!!

How do i color white chocolate shells after it settles.?

I made chocolate shells to put on top of cupcakes for a party, I was wondering if i could use some kind of power dust to add color because i have seen it on tv with flowers.If you have any suggestions how to jazz them up .The theme is beach and i'm making chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting from scratch.And if you know where i can buy it like at a stop n shop, shaws, market basket where ever let me know in the comment

Can sand boa sub-species breed? HELP?

Any sub-species can breed but making hybrids is hard. Plus mating schedules are hardwired into animals that old and getting them to want to breed at the same time is hard. Good luck!

Why do some "Christians" believe in Evolution?

If you want to stand up for the lie of evolution, help yourself, but I will not stand for the deception that satan has puked into the institution of academia, nor will I stand for someone describing the creation portion of the Bible as figurative, allegorical, non-literal when they are totally wrong. You may believe in an old earth and monkey ancestry, but it is not what the Word of God says.

Is the fire & brimstone description of hell literal or metaphorical?

When we die our spirit survives us and we wait for our final judgment and resurrection. But a spirit cannot be affected by fire & brimstone which things are of this earth.

What is the Muslim worlds reaction to the death of OBL ?

Well the only reason i can assume there isnt much muslim world reaction is because eventually you are talking about terrorism and osama was no ordinary terrorist. he was one of the richest dogs around in the arab world. also any public comment before the media will provoke the talibans and other terrorist organizations. just because there isnt any comment from them it doesnt mean that they are ignorrant about terrorism. its just that this incident happened too late and he should have been captured long back. but thanks to pakistan for providing shelter to this chap. im sure pakis are manufacturing many more terrorists for the world!!!

Color oops? work on black hair?

i have naturally dark brown hair and ive been dying it lighter brown for about a year. today i decided i didnt want to keep dying it so i tried dying it a color close to my natural color. the dark chocolate brown dye i used..turned my hair almost jet black. if i use color oops tomorrow morning, what will happen to my hair?

What are some symbolic references to masochism/sadomasochism in literature?

As there are no literal representations of masochism/sadomasochism in Jane Austen's Emma, i'm trying to find some more symbolic references to it. Do you know of any specifically in Emma or in literature as a whole? Thanks so much!

What makes your stool harder?

For several years I've had issues where I'll have little bits of blood on my tissues every once in a while (about once every week) when I wipe and it pulses a little bit for about an hour later (it also gets more uncomfortable by the time I hit the 8th wipe or so). When talking to a friend they told me it was ridiculous that I wipe 10-14 times. But I wipe b/c there is genuinely lots of literal crap covering the tissue still. It's like a paste almost. It's not liquid but I can't imagine it's normal either (the hardness of the stool). About once every 3 months my stool will be hard enough to where I just wipe twice and I'm done. So I'm thinking it's a stool hardening issue. The blood I think is coming from a fissure that I've made angry b/c I always wipe a billion times. Any ideas to help this? (Side note when I use prep. h it makes the blood go away for about a week).

My Kenyan sand boa is trying to climb out of her tank... help?.?

She is just exploring and playing around. Make sure she cannot get out (all snakes are really good at escape) and don't worry about it.

What does suicide mean? How representative are suicide notes of the emotion of their author?

a suicide note is a way to finish the last chapter of a persons book. they want to tell people they're gone for good. to face reality. a suicide note says a person resorted to their last and final option, to put their misery to a stop. a suicide note says there were people who could have helped, people that walked past everyday looking briefly at that person and not noticing their souls rotting away. a suicide note says, someone's gone, and we were just too late to help. a suicide note says, goodbye. a suicide note says it's simply no-ones fault, i just wasn't happy.

Christians, I believe in God but aren't we natural beings living on a natural planet in a natural universe?

I don't understand how you define God. The God i believe in doesn't have any problem making a universe.

Spanish Translation Help?

Ayer por la noche, fui a un restaurante que se llama Table 28. Es en una ciudad que se llama Jacksonville y es muy cerca mi sister's house. Fuimos a este restaurante porque mi amiga, William, recomend� la comida a m�. Tambi�n nunca he probado comida todo el mundo. La comida es muy rica y elegante. Mi estilo de vida es muy sano ahora, pero era malo. Yo ahora como mucha m�s fruta y las verduras en vez de tomar un bocado en chocolates. Tabla 28 es el perfecto, porque es ver org�nicos. Yo ped� una ensalada con queso de soja. Mi hermana se comi� el pollo y el arroz. Tabla 28 es muy caro. Yo recomendar�a a cualquier persona la Tabla 28.

Where can I get a lot of food fast and cheep?

Any ideas? We need a lot of calories before we run. 40k a day because we are loosing too much weight. What can I buy? cookies are too expensive and chocolate bars make us feel sick. Pasta takes too long.

How do i keep my fondant covered cake firm when cuting?

I have made a chocolate cake in the past and crumb coated it before placing fondant on it and when it was time to cut sunk and was dificult to cut...and now I'm making my 1st wedding cake out of red velvet and don't want this to happen...what do I ned to do?

Is it possible he's taking his resentment at his ex wife out on me?

Well, whatever the root of these comments, he obviously doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut/stay out of someone else's business. Personally, I would totally tell him to STFU and MHOB, but that's just me. I'm not tactful when it comes to people sticking their nose into my affairs.

What is "It Don't Make Any Difference To Me" and "One Love" translated into French?

Just to clarify if you have to change the literal translation from "Don't" to "Does not" then that's fine. Thank you!!!

Nature names for a boy (need for part of a story)?

I need a boy's name that is similar to River or Cloud for a story I'm writing, I already have characters called River, Cloud, Winter (they are boys) and also Rain (she's a goddess) and I need a name that is similar to them, it has to be a literal noun type name! Thanks!

If you melt Resses peanut butter cups, would it make a good icing?

Ok, so im making mini cupcakes and i wanted to make it like a Chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing but regular peanut butter just doesn't taste right so i thought of melting Resses peanut butter cups and then icing them onto the cupcake. would that work out or not?

What do you think about my names?

I can see that you're trying to be "different" with the names and spelling, but they're all a mouthful to say. If you're going to give them a second and third name, keep it simple. Not to mention, it sucks to go through life, especially at school, and constantly have to correct people on the spelling and pronunciation of their names.

Isn't Barack Hussein Obama our second foreign-born President?

No, you're just plain wrong. Obama was born in Hawaii, and Arthur, despite similar rumors circulated during his election campaign, was born in Fairfield, Vermont. His FATHER immigrated from Ireland and lived briefly in Canada before coming to the US.

Why do my white chocolate chips always sink in cupcakes and cakes?

Everytime I try to bake cupcakes or cake with white chocolate chips, they sink and stick to the pan. How can I get them to float throughout the cupcake?

By producing his long term birth certificate has Obama finally proven once and for all ?

By producing his long term birth certificate has Obama finally proven once and for all that he is an American Socialist...not a Kenyan Socialist like his daddy was ?

First time dog owner...please help!?

Well, you should first leave Lola in her crate when you leave(as ling as it's not too long because they need to use the bathroom and all that)....but after you've had her for a while, and if she behaves well, try letting her out of her crate when you leave. Also, it's best to let her out while you there for fresh air, but also keep her in, both I'd better. About her sleeping, let her sleep when she feels she wants to, but mostly she will/should sleep @ night around when you do. I suggest walking her every day!! Even If it's only a few minutes. Or play fetch it something to get her moving.I also suggest try not to let her eat table scraps, because between that and her normal food, she will become overweight and with that her back legs will become authretic. Hope it helps!! Enjoy your dog, they are amazing animals!! ;)