Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is it a good idea to keep my puppy in her crate during short intervals during the day?

i have a 10 week old german shepard chocolate lab mix. i was wondering if its okay for me to be putting her in her crate for short intervals during the day so she gets used to and accustomed to it. ive been putting her in after she does her buisness and plays for 15-25 minutes. so far ive put her in for a half hour while i was cooking dinner. she cried for a little bit but then got over it. and then i fed her dinner, let her go out to pee and poo, and play for a good 25 minutes, then i put her in her crate while i was watching tv for an hour and she barely cried. is this a good method to getting her use to her crate? i really want to be successful in raising her properly so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. thank you.

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