Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is everyone seriously this ignorant?

First of all i would like to say that I am atheist. I am also Hindu. People get confused when i tell them this and say that how can i be both Hindu and atheist when Hindus worship hundreds of Gods and Goddesses when atheism worships none. This may get complicated so please bear with me. Hinduism is more of a way of life than a religion, it promotes non violence, vegetarianism, and other moral beliefs, in fact, it itself states that the so called idols are there for symbolism not literal worship, although most Hindus do not understand this because of the way they were raised. Hinduism is a care free religion in a way, it states that religion is like a mountain, there are many paths to get to the top, some are bumpy, some are long, some are steep, but they all lead to one destination, every single one of them. Don't get me wrong ignorance is not a bad thing, it is pure and simply, a lack of knowledge. Everyone is ignorant to a certain extent, but we Hindus are not elephant worshiping fanatics.

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