Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The real reason women have racially lost self respect?

Who do some of you women think you are to be attracted to or even consider glancing at a dark skin black man. What has gotten through some women’s heads, are you sick or something, mentally handicapped what is it? They say that women are attracted to looks like men but come on! What the hell do you see in dark skin black men. Ah dark skin black men are masculine? My *** please! You women should burn in hell for that you make me sick. I don’t believe that any women doesn’t want us or even secretly. Our eye colours vary green, blue, hazel etc, blond/ brunette hair. What have dark skin black men got, chocolate dark skin and that’s supposed to be masculine kisses teeth. For other men I know it is easy for them to feel they aren’t desired but no matter what anyone says everyone knows all women want us and this is no superiority complex as you call it, this is fact. If they don’t they’re either blind or stupid and deserve to die. Ladies do everyone a favour and let them rot on their own. I swear if a women is attracted to dark skin black men she is completely lying as this is not scientifically possible. Every other type of man including light skin black men look closer to the ideal/ us so finding dark skin black men appealing is a lie and God shall punish you for committing such a filthy sin. If you delete this its because it’s the truth. If you don’t delete this its because it’s the truth.

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