Saturday, July 16, 2011

Did I do the righ thing with my friend and her boyfriend?

My friend is black Kenyan and she was dating this white guy frm Eastern Europe and was seriously in love with him but I advised her aginst getting involved wth white men, esp those from Eastern Europe, b/c theyhave high divorce and domestic violence rates. In her culture, divorce is frownd upon, as it means family breakup, which is considered bad, so both the menand th wom,en in Kenya are encouraged to stay together. I told her hazt these men see you as a novelty, so all's well in the beginning, but later on, it ends with divorce b/c they want to cheat or worse. Isaid being a girl, looking at white me's divorce rates, it' better to marry a Kenyan, as white mn do not offer good security. Turns ut that after they broke up, se learned that he was cheating on her with someone else. Did I do the right thing?

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