Friday, July 15, 2011

I was kicked out of a Tea Party rally yesterday, why?

Okay, I'll give it to you straight. I'm a conservative black man who believes in low taxes, small government, personal responsibility, etc, therefore I despise Obama. But anyways, I heard of the Tea Party recently and they seemed to express similar values, so I decided to attend a rally. So when I get there, I was a bit disturbed about being the only black person there so I cautiously unfolded the sign I had made. "Obama is a Kenyan communist fascist" for those who may be wondering. Anyways, I was approached after a few minutes by two aging white men with potbellies. They said, 'Son, you're gonna have to get going'. I said, 'What for?, even turning around to give them a glimpse of the confederate flag stitched on the back of my jacket. "Just go now, before there's trouble" they said. At this point a crowd had gathered around us and I could feel the steely eyes piercing me everywhere, so I just walked away. "Why?" I exclaimed as I approached the exit. I heard someone say 'you're the wrong color' and murmurs of approval from the others

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